High Microfluidic Power Resolution

HMPR (High Microfluidic Power Resolution) system used for droplets generation and microfluidic cells transportation. In the screen it’s presented a capillary tube with ID of 420 microns. The red liquid is the colored water. The seen tube volume in the screen is around 128 nanoliters. The volume movement is bidirectional. The displacement resolution is less than 1 nanoliter. The performance is great because opens the picolitric droplets generation and this means that the system can operate in “within-cell mode”.




The GPS into the microscopic world. Microscope set at high zoom factor. The coordinates are absolute. Before the comma are represented milimeters, after the comma are represented the microns. The virtual label is an “eye” from a parallel layer with a microscopic one. The label is the point that synchronizes two essential things: the real microscopic object and a unique coordinates set within a given database. The precision to put togheter the real object and the virtual label is improvable, but the idea to bring from “unseen faraway space” a micro-object within ocular field, it represents a robust idea to develope this direction.

The Microscope-GPS system represents an extraordinary way to bring quickly small objects within the ocular field of a microscope, but in the same time, it’s built to measure very precisely all the distances between different microscopic objects. More than that, we are working now to develope a series of special measurements functions that will permit to the operators to characterise the working objects. In this movie you can see the high precision of measurements. The used unit scale is by 10 microns (the distance between two consecutive lines is 10 microns).


Note: The presented materials are referring to experimental models that are developed in our lab. They are not complete defined for commercial level.

Integrated system for extraction and sorting cells from culture dishes

The system is designed to extract , transport and isolate a single cell in a cell culture vessels used in biomedical applications laboratory .